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NEXT Journal
Il potenziale di decarbonizzazione delle imprese piemontesi

Energia, competitività e decarbonizzazione

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Quali i vantaggi e l’importanza della decarbonizzazione

Road to Zero: il percorso verso la decarbonizzazione

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Itelyum, full-fledged Energy management

Sustainability as a strategic asset 

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Itelyum, full-fledged Energy management

Sustainability as a strategic asset 

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Itelyum, full-fledged Energy management

Sustainability as a strategic asset 

Contact us

Challenges become opportunities 

Edison Next leads all Itelyum productive plants towards decarbonization, combining energy optimization solutions with continuous advisory focusing on evolutions regarding regulations, technologies and markets. Edison Next technology contribution goes hand in hand with productive plants implementation and exploitation of innovative instruments and digital models, such as applied Artificial Intelligence and Energy Management System. 

The client: Itelyum

Itelyum is a leader in industrial waste management and valorization through the offering of cutting hedge and integrated products and services, environmentally and socially relevant, providing guaranteed savings of environment and economic impact. This player focuses on supplying regenerated products and environmental services that contribute to the decarbonization process of supply chains in which it operates. 

The solution

Edison Next, thanks to industrial, energy and environmental regulations understanding, supports Itelyum through a full-fledged energy advisory, aiding to fulfil the EU-ETS system regulations, to embrace opportunities of ISO 50001 certification and to obtain “White Certificates” and energy efficiency certificates.  

Diagnosis and energy advisory

Energy diagnosis is a vital moment to generate knowledge on energy production and consumption within an industrial site. Our end-to-end approach, starting from the analysis, enables to get the most out of opportunities and to define a journey composed of concrete actions towards certifications obtainment regarding energy management as in ISO 50001. Regardless of mandatory norms requirements, we support clients with diagnosis and energy advisory, to guarantee continuous monitoring throughout the year of plants performance, find out and propose specific interventions, starting from analysis, evaluation and data elaboration.   
