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NEXT Journal
Il potenziale di decarbonizzazione delle imprese piemontesi

Energia, competitività e decarbonizzazione

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Quali i vantaggi e l’importanza della decarbonizzazione

Road to Zero: il percorso verso la decarbonizzazione

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Renewable energy communities 

Promotion, development, economic and social growth: we build a sustainable future for the communities of tomorrow. 


Renewable energy communities 

Promotion, development, economic and social growth: we build a sustainable future for the communities of tomorrow. 


Renewable energy communities 

Promotion, development, economic and social growth: we build a sustainable future for the communities of tomorrow. 


Why build a renewable energy community with Edison NEXT? 

We take care of communities by fostering the creation and growth of energy communities. Edison NEXT collaborates with local businesses and public administrations wishing to regain ownership of the energy choices in their areas by promoting local resources and thereby create social development and sustainable economic growth. To generate a virtuous process that creates value through informed choices by local communities. 

Our business models 

Per offrire il miglior supporto ai territori nella costituzione delle Comunità Energetiche abbiamo studiato due diversi modelli d’offerta.

Comprehensive combined solutions 

The implementation of other sustainability solutions makes energy communities more virtuous by stimulating even more efficient and informed electricity consumption and increasing the economic benefit for participants. 

Energy community